A Shoemaker's Blog

Shoemaking: Last Making For Flat Feet

Shoemaking: Last Making For Flat Feet

I took in an order for a customer with flat feet and here are some photos of the last that I had made. Normally, I prefer to work with wooden...

Shoemaking: Last Making For Flat Feet

I took in an order for a customer with flat feet and here are some photos of the last that I had made. Normally, I prefer to work with wooden...

Shoemaking: Outsole Stitching

Shoemaking: Outsole Stitching

Outsole stitching by hand with Fumu.

Shoemaking: Outsole Stitching

Outsole stitching by hand with Fumu.

Shoemaking: Toe Puff Preparation

Shoemaking: Toe Puff Preparation

I've got some enquiries on what leather I use for our toe puffs so here's a short post. Our toe puffs come from Baker, a tannery in Devon UK which...

Shoemaking: Toe Puff Preparation

I've got some enquiries on what leather I use for our toe puffs so here's a short post. Our toe puffs come from Baker, a tannery in Devon UK which...

Photo Special

Photo Special

Photo special for some recent works All our shoes are proudly handmade in Singapore, including handwelting and handstitched outsoles. A black wholecut oxford with medallion with full-paint black soles, black linings...

Photo Special

Photo special for some recent works All our shoes are proudly handmade in Singapore, including handwelting and handstitched outsoles. A black wholecut oxford with medallion with full-paint black soles, black linings...

Shoe Making: Heel Finishing

Shoe Making: Heel Finishing

The finishing stage is arguably the most important step to get a beautiful looking shoe. A well-constructed shoe with poor finishing just looks awkward or cheap. Finishing shoes properly takes...

Shoe Making: Heel Finishing

The finishing stage is arguably the most important step to get a beautiful looking shoe. A well-constructed shoe with poor finishing just looks awkward or cheap. Finishing shoes properly takes...

Tutorial: Decorative Bar Tack

Tutorial: Decorative Bar Tack

Tutorial on creating a decorative bar tack stitch for bespoke shoemaking

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Tutorial: Decorative Bar Tack

Tutorial on creating a decorative bar tack stitch for bespoke shoemaking

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